he annual Awards Luncheon on Saturday, Lew G. gave special thanks to Toots A., Leween F., and June G. for preparing the lunch. ***** The last day of league play will be April 14, and will start up again the 3rd of November. Lew announced the following awards:****
Most experienced: Men: went to Chip S. and the Ladies went to Louise S. Most rounds played: Men: Bob A. and the Ladies:
Jan C. Most improved golfer: John G.
Stableford Scoring Round: Men: Bob A. Ladies Teresa S.
Low Putts, 18 holes: Barry S.
Low Putts 9 holes: Chip S .
Divorce Open: Teresa & Barry S.
9 Hole Champions: Men: Rick D., Ladies Leween F.
18 hole Champions: Men: Barry S. and the ladies Jan C. *****
This information was provided to me by June G. and we want her to know we appreciate all the news that she brings to us.
*** Congratulations to a mighty talented group of golfers and will look forward to the next season here in Lakewood Village.
Please read Kevin's comment for the picnic events here at the bottom of this post.
** Enjoy the beauty of this earth all around you....go play a round of golf!!! Maybe go over on Monday afternoon and enjoy the Villager's picnic.....