Monday, March 7, 2011

Bunco record beaten

Delanah H. new record.......

Tonight everyone was so excited as most bunco record was beaten.

Hazel drove Delanah to her usual night of bunco and she was rolling bunco after bunco for a total of 7 trio's of 6's. The record had been for several years held by Rose L. of 6 and that was even hard to beat.

When Delanah rolled the last game of the night and her 7th bunco, everyone cheered her as this was amazing. Way to go...
The first place with 20 winning games came to a tie and to Sandy and Delanah with their 20 wins.
Second place with a close 19 games goes to our own Bo. He works almost as hard as Glenn.
The hot seat this week went to Hazel but with her quiet rolls she will work harder next week.
This was Jo's last night for the season so everyone surprised her with some of the yummy treats for all to enjoy. Thanks go to Marietta, Rita, Patti & Glenn, Joan, Jo and Barb.
Had a great time in our newly decorated clubhouse and will see everyone for coffee tomorrow morning at 9:00. Perhaps they will still practice Bocci.....
A note! Hurry and get well Dolores H.
Doing your best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

1 comment:

Patti B said...

It was so great to watch Delanah roll all those sixes. She was so excited and having such a good time. That's what makes this game so much fun to go to every monday.