Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mardi Gras 2011

The tradition continues on. Welcome!
The evening was well planned with everyone pitching in to a wonderful time for all.
The old King and Queen greeted everyone at the door, wishing each a fun dinner dance evening. The 89 + people were not disappointed upon entering the theme decorated clubhouse. The atmosphere was buzzing with chatter from everyone happy to see so many old friends once again. There was a cocktail hour before the "Vincie" dinner was served and everyone was invited for seconds before clearing the tables.
The music arrived with a generous applaud from everyone. Once the music started everyone left their chairs and was off to the dance floor.
****A 50/50 was awarded along with the beautiful prizes that Glen and Patti made up just for the evening.
****Next came the dessert along with the cutting of the KING cake and to their surprise, Ray and Martha M. became the new King and Queen for the next year. They were crowned by the reigning royalty and marched around their court. We wish them a very prosperous year and we will see them at our functions through out the coming events.
Vincie wishes to thank her entire crew and as you see she had a beautiful group of loyal friends to help produce a very successful MARDI GRAS.
Lakewood Village has had another beautiful evening in our Clubhouse for all to enjoy and we invite you to come and see us anytime.
Try as often as possible to smile-it is the key that fits the lock of every body's heart.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Thank you for another fun activity.