Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Bunco Scores

The scores for Monday night bunco are in and what a great evening it was.


With 3 Buncos thrown, we have a new winner in Jean. This was the last evening for her and Mike before heading back up north.. We will miss her and Mike and all the homemade treats that she brings...


First place with 19 games goes to Nancy C. and we are so pleased that she has been coming back to play with us.

***Second and third place had ended in a 3 way tie....Mike, Judy, and Sue with 17 wins each.


Our little helper with the scores, set up and whatever needs to be done is CONNIE this week. Pretty hard to do all this without her.... Thanks a bunch......


Thanks to those who brought us all the treats as everyone enjoys them while playing.


We don't have many weeks left before everyone leaves for the north but we will be playing until there is not enough to fill the tables.

Have some fun in the rain this week....

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