Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer family pool party

This Saturday is the Lakewood Village Family pool party....

At 11:00 am all residents are invited to come to our beautifully, clean pool for the annual family pool party. Please everyone wear your badges as this is the one rule that applies. They will have some food but we should all bring some snacks and our drinks. It should be hot, hot again so bring some sunscreen for your group.

This is being planned for your enjoyment and we hope everyone will take a few moments and come over in support of the Lakewood Village Social Club...they can always use your help.


Whatever we write on the hearts of our children is not erased by time.....Enjoy your children.


Tamra said...

Thanks Barb - You are always such a support!

Connie said...

Looking forward to the Pool Party! I hope that everyone takes time to enjoy what is in our front yard.