Monday, June 20, 2011

More June Celebrations...

We have several more birthday's or Anniversaries to acknowledge....Al H. has his famous Chicken that he squawk's when he is driving around our Village.Al will be 86 this Thursday and is quite proud of the fact that they renewed his driving license. Al is waiting patiently (?) for the WI bowling to begin again. We all have fun with this silly guy. Happy Birthday Al....may you have many more fun birthdays...

I do believe that Robin and Beth will be celebrating their Anniversary the 22 if my memory hasn't failed me. Anyway we are thinking of the both of them so far away but so close in our hearts. Take care until we see you again....


The world is like a mirror, reflecting what you do and if you face it smiling,it smiles right back at you.


1 comment:

Connie said...

Happy 29th AL...Hope you had a special day!!!

Beth and Robin...Congrats!!! You are two really kind people that I enjoy being around. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!