Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Saturday..

The family pool party was enjoyed by the largest group of swimmers that we have seen in a long time. Even the threat of rain didn't keep away all these splish,splash Village people. The pool was just right for all the big and little people who came together for a couple hours. Games were played and they were treated with their favorite lunch. Your grilling cooks, Bo and Pat A. were right there cookin' for everyone who was hungry. The Lakewood Village Social Club provided the sandwich's and swimmers brought the snacks. Everyone who came were amazed at how well everyone enjoyed the friendship of our neighbors. There was even talk of having another family pool party before school starts up again. Keep watching for an announcement of something happening. Special thanks to Tamra for getting me the pictures.........Thanks to all....

Just a reminder!!!!!

/Monday the 4th of July is YOUR village picnic that is for all residents to come over and have a morning of fun . There will be more put out this week. Watch for your flyer....

1 comment:

Connie said...

A very nice pool party with lots of kids of all sizes!!! Thanks for another successful party.