Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Bunco Blast

This week's bunco turned out to be one of the biggest group this season.


We had an 8 way tie for the most bunco's thrown and they were:
Connie,Jean,Sandy,Nancy,Glen,Edna,Dolores, and Barb.
The roll off ended with Barb winning.
The most games won with 21 goes to Glen who worked really hard and had a laughing good time.
2nd. place also ended in a tie and that went to Sandy and Barb with 20 games.
The hot seat this week went to Jo but she vows to do better next Monday.
We want to thank Glen, Patti and Rita for bringing the treats this week.
Thanks to Nancy S. for bringing her mother to play with us and hope she will return next week.
Good, better, best----Never let it rest until the good is better and the better is best.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I hope to be there next week. Sounds like a great time!!