Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Success

If you didn't show up for the special "Father's"
Day dinner at our beautiful clubhouse, you missed out on something really terrific.
Over 50 people and 8 shut-in's were served buffet style spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings.
Your hostesses were busy all day cooking and preparing and adding spices and everything nice to the fun meal.
To top the 50/50 ~~ Bo A. winning some special bucks.
Today was also special for Ernie H as it was his 93rd birthday and even brought his family with him. It was a real treat to see this fine gentleman still coming to our functions.
Nancy C. and Jodi F took the time out from all that cooking and preparing our meal to wish him a very Happy Birthday.
Jim surprised Barb with a special rose colored cake as it was also her birthday. As I've been saying the day was triple blessed with "Father's,"~ Ernie, and Barb's annual events.
We are taking the time out to thank all those who helped make the day outstanding along with our beautiful young ladies who did the serving of the dinner.
Even Grandma Connie jumped in as always. A beautiful hostess.
Our thanks to the Lakewood Village Social Club for thinking about honoring our fathers.
Never let the opportunity to say a kind word pass you by.
If it were not for hopes, the heart would break.


Diane said...

A special Happy Birthday to you Mrs. Editor Barb! We had planned to attend but Keith didn't feel well right at the last minute. I am sure we would've certainly had a great time - and a great dinner. Thanks for all the hard work!

Connie said...

Social Club......Sucess again!!! LADIES the food was Delicious, service Outstanding, and Excellent company. THANK YOU for helping all of Us have a great Fathers Day and others a Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Mom, Ernie, Rita and Mary L.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tamra and David Lewis said...

Yes, we sure had a great time - Thanks to all who served and attended!