Saturday, October 3, 2009

Eleanor Cheek

Eleanor Cheek, 84, passed away at her home in our
Village on Sept. 29, 2009.
She was a member of our local Red hat Chapter.
and a frequent player of all our fun games.
She has a son and daughter along with
2 brothers and a sister.
Members of the family are here for a few
days so if you would like to see them be
sure to stop by her house.
She will be missed by her many friends.
No services here are planned for the moment but
memorials may be made to the
American Cancer Society in Vero Beach.
Love always finds a home in the
heart of a friend.
Take the time and find yourself
a friend...


Diane said...

Her smiling face will often be missed. Rest easy.

Connie, Gail said...

It was a pleasure knowing Eleanor! We will remember her fondly.