Monday, January 23, 2012

game scores

Bunco scores came in and there were a lot of good games being played.
The most buncos thrown in these 30 games this week with 4, goes to Delanah H.  Great playing as this was her first night of the season.
Most games won went to a first Ole Timer, Bill W. with 21 games.  He enjoyed every minute...
Second most games ended in a tie with Fran and Barb and their 19 wins.
The ones who enjoyed their chair the most for the evening ended in a tie for Gloria and Hazel.
We are sorry that those who couldn't join us but we will look forward to next week.
Thanks for the treats Patti even if you did leave early.  Get well soon Glenn.
Once again Jo helped keep the scores going and the games moving right along.  Thanks everyone for a fun evening and we hope to see you next week..
BRIDGE  Scores are in::
Eric leads the games this week with his 2910
Ed M. Following right behind with his  2680
Margret leading the women with her  2370
Marylin following her with a 2180
Judy rounds out the day with her 2060.
Good finishes this week...Thanks Jo for dropping off the scores, sorry I didn't see your name.
Catch you all next week.
Here comes bowling!!!!!
We had several people missing this week and we still continued to bowl some good games.  Of course Don T. brought his sweetie's special award winning yummy cake that was made with some of the oranges that were given to us by Glenn last week.  We sure do look forward to the surprises that Carole sends.. Thank You.
On another note!!!!
I drove by the shuffleboard court and I noticed that they were starting up their games.  Let us know how they turn out.
The Monday afternoon adult picnic has been going strong now since the weather has co-operated with them.  A great time is seen with all of those who bring their own grilling food.  Enjoy.
I understand that Boccie is still being played after coffee hour and they enjoy having a cheering section. If you would like to watch come over at 10  am on Tuesdays.
If you have any news you would like to be added,,,,,let me know.
Have a great week-end.....

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