Friday, October 14, 2011

Recap of this week

This week started out with lots and lots of rain.  Our lakes never looked better with all water up to the banks.  Our Village was spared of "complete" flooding as other parks had serious rain overflows. We had some roads covered with the water but most subsided and we were on our way.
Our social activities started with Monday night and the Bunco group arrived but so many had forgotten that it was starting.  Those who showed up still got to play and there was a lot of laughs and catch up on some summer activities.  They will have Bunco every Monday night at 7 as long as  there is enough interest in this fun game.
Tuesday morning at 9 the coffee hour is still hanging in there and Thomas S. had hosted the coffee and donut morning.  This continues all through the year and we want to thank those who come and chit, chat the hour with each other.  Thanks to Bo and Pat.
Wednesday night at 6:30 this group of dedicated bowlers show up at the clubhouse for their weekly bowling games.  This was the first of the season and they encourage anyone who enjoys the game of WI, to come over and check it out.  Glenn & Pat are in charge of the teams.
The LV Social club held their meeting this week and flyers are being printed out for everyone.  They have many good ideas that we all want to join in and help.
Next week I will have more information on the Lakewood Village Yard Sale.  This is a big event for our Village , so everyone keep looking for items to donate for this great day......Saturday November 12, 2011.  And how was your week?????
A thought to remember!!!! Grandma's cookies didn't need preservative's, they didn't last long enough...

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