Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ice Cream Social

At our summer Ice Cream Social this year ,we were entertained with Ice cream and cake for a small donation. Everyone had a great time sampling the cakes that were brought in for the judges. A nice surprise was that this was Thomas's 29th birthday today and his mother surprised him with a beautiful decorated cake.

There was enough for everyone to enjoy and they all sang the birthday song for him. It is fun when you are surprised...Happy Birthday Thomas from all your friends in Lakewood Village.The winner of the best cake at the social was Carole. She has to be the best cook around. Her carrot cake won the blue ribbon for the evening. She also has won the best Apple pie during the 4th of July Bake-Off. Way to go Miss Carole. We are proud to have you and keep those yummy desserts coming in.

Our thanks to the Social Club for having this fun evening as we all enjoyed visiting with our friends and neighbors...


June and Lew G. said...

Many thanks to the Social Club and all the helpers for a very pleasant event.

Tamra said...

Thanks ladies, The comments and encouragement went are truly appreciated!