Sunday, August 28, 2011

End of August

Momma Duck with her babies...

Well folks we were lucky once again. Miss Irene went on by us and took on everyone else. The family and friends up North have been experiencing a pretty rough week-end. I haven't heard of any really bad news except that some are without and will be without power for several days. The news reports keep coming in on our friends up North and they will be having a lot of flooding for many days to come. Our prayers are with them and their families. The weather here has been unbelievably hot, hot. You should not be outside for any length of time and then take care. I know our pool is very inviting but take precautions and use the sunscreen.

This week everyone will be trying to get back to normal as our children have been back to school this last week. None of our activities have picked up except our coffee hour and our WI bowling. If you have something happening, just let us know. Next week-end is Labor Day so we hope you have made your plans to be with your family and friends. Will check back with ya'll this week.

Have a great week and stay safe.

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