Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Social Club Installation

Your new officers for 2011 were installed at their special meeting last night.
If you were unable to attend, this is the new group of people who will be directing your activities for this year. Most of them have had experience with the Lakewood Village Social Club but some new ones are added. *
Peg B. did the installation of each member as they agreed to do everything that they could to make their office the best.
John D. will continue to work with his crew as they are willing to work with him and support Lakewood Village..
We in the Village congratulate them all and wish for them only the best with our co-operation.
Your directors of this club are: John D, Pat A, Hector S. Mary, Don T. Karen S.,Tamra L., Tami R. and Nancy C. Perhaps when you see any of them you can ask what you can do to help.....

1 comment:

Diane said...

A lovely looking group! I am looking forward to another awesomely busy social year! Good luck! :-)