Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today's News.

Lakewood Village set for Halloween. Scary as it might seem, it is

set with wonderful taste .

Had a call from Lila T. Monday night Stu was admitted to the hospital.
The Doctors are treating him and will probably get some further tests. We will be watching the outcome.

Keep safe Lila and let us know what is happening.


On the lighter side:


Today was coffee hour:

We were all welcomed through our Fall decorated entrance to our beautiful clubhouse. I understand that the office was responsible for all the outside decorations. Went inside and the orange, green, red, yellow decorations were done by Pat A and her crew...

Bo and Pat A. have been working your coffee hour all summer so we could keep up with all the news of everyone and we want them to know how much we appreciate all that they do for our Village.
Hopefully this fall and winter some of our residents will take a week or two and host this hour each Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. Let any board member know what you can do to help.
This Thursday will be the social club's monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse.
All residents are invited to attend these meetings.
Have a great week.......

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