Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Busy, Busy....

Let's cheer them all on......

Well it seems that some of our northern families are busy this summer. We know that they are
looking forward to their winter at our beautiful pool.
This information was sent to me with such fun which they are all having.
A group got together in Belleville where Ron R lives. A organized golf tournament was set up for them to play in. Along with Rick and sharron were Bob & toots A, Ralph L & Lorraine, Barry and Teresa S, John and Claire L along with a group of Locals. The weather has been co-operating and they are enjoying the end of summer.
Next week-end is the long week-end that they will see John & Lew, Tom G and Dolores H. Tom and Dolores are flying into Buffalo where they will be met by their dear friends.
A great vacation for Tom and Dolores who will spend a couple weeks there before heading to Orlando. We will see them mid September. Take care and enjoy yourselves.
I know the trees will be changing colors soon so take the time and relax.
Thanks Rick for thinking of us.
That was the good news....
Today there was a scare on the e-mail...It seems someone had hacked into one of our Villagers e-mail address book and kept us all scrambling to check it out. So beware if something looks suspicious, be careful and check out anything you think is wrong. We are still watching for something that doesn't seem real. Thanks for checking this out....
Remember the sun is always shining somewhere....

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