Friday, July 2, 2010

Last reminder

Well,,,we made it through the week!
Tried to give you an idea what you can expect Sunday would be like. We have always had a community get together that everyone enjoyed. Now it is up to you and your neighbors to come out on the 4th and experience this wonderful closeness that we have in our Village.
You have the information set up for you in your flyers, on posters, and in your blog. If you still need help in remembering what this is all about you can ask just about any resident in our beautiful Village.
The flag raising will start the morning (SUNDAY) at 10:30 after the fishing in the common area is all finished.
We hope you will take the time to come over and join your neighbors for a few hours of conversation , entertainment, and dedication to those who made this all happen. You won't be disappointed...

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