Sunday, May 9, 2010


Thank you Lakewood Village Social Club~~~~~~
The Mother's dessert hour was a beautiful success on the afternoon
when all mothers were honored.
Cakes, pies, and some extra goodies were set out for all who came
to celebrate a mother or two.
Your committee did such a fun, warm and pleasant rewarding
time for everyone who came. The 40 some Villagers were
pleased with the outcome of a sweet treat.
We wish to express our gratitude to Lakewood Village and their
very warm Social Club.
All Village residents are welcome to attend any of the social events that
are held here in our friendly Village.
We will be advised when our next event will occur.

1 comment:

June G. said...

We second these sentiments. It was a lovely afternoon, and many thanks to all those responsible for the event.
From June and Lew G.