Sunday, April 25, 2010

Many thoughts.

This is the last week of April and things are happening. Monday night is the usual Bunco games in our clubhouse . Beginning at 7. Try to come over and join in the fun.
Tuesday is once again coffee hour at for everyone to visit with those who are still here.
Tues. night there is Bingo....
Wednesday at 7 pm is the bowling for those interested in playing several games.
We have had a scare with John D. this week-end and hopefully he is out of danger at the local hospital. Stormy is with him and will let us know how he is doing. Our prayers are with him and the family.
We have had to say good-by to Rose L and Percy this week as they had to return up North but perhaps they will return someday to share their experiences with us.************** Percy had called and informed us that Rose and he had made it to their separate destinations and things went well. Thanks for letting Gail know......********
Peg B. is back with us trying to sort out things at her house and will be out and around for a short while. Good to see you back again..
I know we will be saying so long to Karl and Vincie along with Robin and Beth this week. May they both have a safe journey to wherever they are going. ***watch out for the ash****
Our Village has slowed way down this month but the Social Club has assured us that they are working and planning on activities for those of us who will be here this summer. Watch your Swan for some news ( hint...Mother's Day is coming up) and they will let us know as soon as everything is final. Thanks guys.
Short visits make long friends....

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