Friday, April 16, 2010


I find the need to apologize for not following through on posting Doug Bradfords eulogy as I said I would do.

The eulogy is a wonderful timeline of Doug's life events and I much enjoyed reading it - the problem I found is - I tried scanning the pages that Martha M. brought to me and I cannot seem to get them readable.  It is several pages long.

So, if anyone would like a copy - I will take it to the office on Monday - I am sure you can get a copy there - or come by my home and I will provide a copy for you.

Thank you Martha M. for providing it to us - and again - I am sorry that I am unable to post it here as I wished to do.


1 comment:

Connie said...

Thank you Martha....we did read it at the office. It was very nice. Diane, we appreciate all you do to help with the Blog.