Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wild Flowers

Someone e-mailed me with the suggestion that I go
and check out the South section as they were sure
that someone had scattered flower seeds all around.
Well, me with my camera in hand went over and
drove all around and sure enough someone had
blown flower seeds all over, all over. I'm afraid that
it really wasn't any human being that had scattered
these as these purple flowers were what comes up
whenever you forget to mow your lawn.
Perhaps if they were a thicker on the yards you
might consider them flowers, otherwise get out
your sneeze meds.
Keep looking for something pretty that we can all
enjoy driving around our Village.... Thanks for bringing
this to our attention....

1 comment:

Diane said...

Sure wish we could get rid of those 'flowers - the do a job on my yard. So hard to get rid of too! But thanks for trying!