Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More on Easter

Today we will focus on Sunday.
Perhaps we need to create new family holiday traditions and fellowships.
Lets enjoy the feeling of spring in our Village.
Take pictures for the next generation and share the burden of
setting up the traditional dinner feast whatever or wherever it may be held.
Have some fun at your Spring gathering and remember why
we are celebrating this wonderful holiday.
Perhaps you will be joining friends in a church service as this
is one beautiful day in the Christian spirit.
There's nothing more important than enjoying yourself with the
ones you love. Relax and feel the stress ease away as you
catch up on old times and exchange ideas.
There are 5 things you cannot recover in life:
1-The stone after it's thrown
2-The word after it's said
3-The occasion after it's missed
4-The time after it's gone and
5-A person after they die.
We in Lakewood Village wish you all a safe and Happy Easter this year.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Wow...does anything else need to be said!

Thank you for helping me to keep focused to what matters.

Happy times or Sad times...I am so very blessed and I am so grateful.