Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter week

We are getting ready for the upcoming Easter week. We will begin with the thought of an Easter parade. The Easter parade is an American cultural event consisting of a promenade on Easter Sunday. Typically, it is a somewhat informal and unorganized event.
Persons participating in an Easter parade traditionally dress in fashionable new clothes. Out comes the beautiful dresses along with the decorated hats, gloves. Truly to impress everyone. We here in Village will just have to do with perhaps a Sunbonnet, flip-flops and a coverall over our bathing suits. It is a day to have fun.
Next we will look into a traditionally Easter Egg hunt and I will cook this up for possibly on tomorrow's information. Here in the Village we are always looking for ways to have fun.
Keep tuned in....................

1 comment:

Connie said...

We always look forward to the kids at these activities. Kids help to keep the child alive in me. The sparkle in their eye, the jump in their skip, the mischieves snicker that they share. It's all good. Hope to see EVERYONE for a great free breakfast and to help cheer the littles to the eggs.