Monday, February 22, 2010

Bunco from Monday Night..

If you were there then you would have had a great time at Bunco this week.
We were sorry that some of our regular players were unable to attend, we
had some returning and even a new player with us. There was a lot of laughing
and even some dancing but the scores came out to this:
Most Bunco's were:
Joan W, Pat A, Nancy C, Dalanah H, & Barb
Most games won ended in a tie for:
Dalanah H and Nancy C.
The Hot!!! seat went to our newcomer:
Keith. Way to go!!!!
Perhaps next week along with this weeks players you could be a winner also.
We start at 7:00 pm and everyone is ready to play. Come and join us.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Yes, we sure did have fun. Not to many 6's showed up - but lots of humor!! I had a great time.