Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Brr. it is really chilly here in the Florida Village.
Of course this is not what we wake up to here but what some
of our northern families are doing.
The sun is out but the temperatures are really unusually
low. Keep warm everybody.
This brisk chill has kept some in as it has been advised and
several activities have been cancelled this week.
Your swimming classes, Bocci and almost any outside
activity will continue next week if the weather permits.
Have scores for the Bunco games that were played on
Monday night.
A great turn-out was experienced and the results are:
Most buncos went to Joan W. (4)
Most games won went to Joan W. and Beth V. (19)
A newcomer to the game who had a wonderful time goes to
Gloria F.
Great show guys and the treats by Connie, Rita, and Nancy D.
were appreciated.
Coffee hour was open for all residents and attended by a
wonderful group.
Our thanks to Diane and Sherron for the efforts in all
the goodies that they provided.
The Visiting Nurse was on hand to take our blood pressures.
This is a great way to start the day. We thank them for coming
once a month on Tuesdays.
Peg D. has the flyers out for our upcoming Ladies TEA PARTY.
This has always been an outstanding event where all the ladies
come dressed up for this old fashion tea party.
If you have any china tea sets and would like to lend them to this
event, please let Peggi know so she can count on as many as possible.
Mark your calendars as this is one event you won't want to miss.
A note to our seniors:
Don and Carol T. are celebrating their 55 wedding anniversary this
week and we wish them many more dances.
Best of luck to a very nice couple. too John and Grace..........
A happy marriage is a long conversation that
always seems to short.

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