Friday, January 1, 2010

Most wonderful time of the year

We toast all of you into 2010

Yes,,,it was a most wonderful evening that was celebrated in our beautifully decorated clubhouse.
The air was alive with the friendship that comes with "almost family". For one evening many of our Lakewood families joined in to welcome the New Year. Most all the tables were filled with happy, smiling, glittery and not glittery, skirted and not, and hardly anyone left before the ball, operated by Will, dropped at midnight.

The feeling was that next year everyone is willing and happy to work together to build our Village into a bigger and better place to enjoy our lives ran throughtout the evening..

Our thanks to the many who helped make our last evening of 2009 a true success.
The Social Club Pres. Sherry W., who after making several presentations, turned the evening over to her most trusted member, Jessie. Jessie and her crew did an outstanding job of making sure everything went according to plan.
(Thanks to John, many,many tickets got sold).
The food that everyone brought was of the highest quality; tasty and good looking too!, and no one walked away hungry. Music, well what can we say for it. Sherri and Jack kept the music going from the time we walked in until we locked the doors. Everyone danced until they couldn't dance anymore and some danced even more than that~! The air was just sparkling thanks to our music crew.
Many stayed to help clean up after everyone had their fill of food and drinks. That family feeling helped to conclude the last night of the year!

Our deepest thanks to you all.
No one can say it wasn't a wonderful night.
Now go out and make 2010 the best year yet for
Lakewood Village.
It takes a lifetime to grow an old friend.
We are doing it everyday here.

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