Monday, November 17, 2008

Red Hatters

Your Queen Mother Peg D. held her court on Thursday with wonderful ideas coming in the future.
They will be competing in a city wide competition with other chapters and need to create a centerpiece to be auctioned off next month. I understand that Debbie C. has volunteered her creative services. Way to go Deb. I know it will be the best.
Historian, Nettie N. will be accepting notes and etc. from our Village. Just let her know if you have any pictures or other goodies to put in their book.
Dec. 6 will be one busy day for these gals as they will be going to several activities all day and will be in the Christmas parade.
Let's give them a big hand for all their efforts in having a wonderful time.
What we see when watching others depends on the
purity of the window through which we look.
Our girls are the greatest!!!!!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Yeah Ladies.....!!!!!!