Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Coffee Hour News

Coffee hour was held again this morning with
Delores H. as our hostess. We thank her for taking
the time to prepare our treats

We all enjoyed having our Blood pressures taken and
once a month the Nurse will be back at our
coffee hour.
A bit of news was brought to my attention that I
thought I would pass on to you.
Several people are under the weather that we are
aware of.
Bob O. is heading into surgery in the morning and
we will be waiting for the results. He has been having
many problems that we hope the Doctors will be able
to correct.
John C. is still in the hospital and Jessie is with him.
We should know more on how he is doing soon. So keep
Kathy R. had a small accident yesterday and should be
home by now. I assume her arm is now in a cast.
Hope she is doing better.
Rita P. will be having her hand operated on Thurs as
she has been having problems for some time. We
know she will get some relief and have her back
playing our card games again soon.
Peg B. has had surgery this summer and will be
delayed on their return. If anyone would like to
send her a card this is her address:
Peg Bradford
528 E. Francis St.
Hastings, Michigan
Your Social Club President has put in a request for
anyone who can help in the kitchen on Tuesday nights
for Bingo. This is necessary for Bingo to continue.
Please check your schedule and see if you can either work
in the kitchen or HELP call for their games. This can be on
a once a month schedule and would mean so much to the Village.
Call or stop by Phyllis B. to let her know what you can do...
Peg D. is in charge of having a Pot Luck dinner coming up
the 16th of November in our clubhouse. The details will be coming
in the near future. Check with Peg on what you can do to help.
Our usual activities will be returning probably around the first
of November so keep watching for any new announcements.
We are anxious to get back in the swing of things.

Our thought for this week
Enjoy every moment every day


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