Friday, March 14, 2008

New Social Club Board Installed

Under the glittering stars in our beautiful clubhouse,
Delorse Henry, our Grand Marshal,
complimented the outgoing Board
for their outstanding performance these last 2 years
and presented each with a
complimentary rose and praises for thier
hard work on the many events they worked on.

The new and impressive Board Officers were introduced with the
swearing in of each new member.
Smiles beaming eveywhere as it is the
beginning of the new Board and with
fresh and inventive ideas coming to benefit all of us.
The meeting ended with a large decorated cake,
coffee and conversation.
The meeting was a huge success with a
lot of hand shaking and well wishes by all.
"Good Luck to Our New Social Club Board"
Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of every month
at 7 PM. Bring your thoughts, ideas,
and great attitude to the meetings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice write up. Keep up the good work.
