We also paid tribute to
Marthmae. She has been a long-time resident with a very full "resume" of things she has accomplished here at the Village. She has been very busy during her time here. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of her in her Red-Hat Grand Dame regalia - to many other were in front of her. She has a 90th birthday coming up soon and was also given a box of cards from residents. She left a very happy lady!!
After the tribute to Marthamae, we ate hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, all sorts and types of salads, and desserts provided by residents and the Social Club. If anyone left hungry - it was definately thier own fault!
After the family portion of the celebration was over - the music started and the adult party began. Since I haven't been feeling well - we left soon after but I'm sure that all had a wonderful time!!
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