Saturday, April 21, 2012

News around the Village

Heard from several residents that have made it back to their northern homes. 
Thanks Don &;; Pat, Kevin &; Fran.  It is good to know that the long drives back were without problems.
Ran into John &;;; Stormey at the store and yes Nancy was with them.  She looked and sounded great.  Is now at Palm Gardens.  Nice to see old friends....
Have heard that several others aren't doing so well.
Ray M is home and has special care.  It seems that neighbors have been helping Martha move Ray around and nurses have been involved where the Doctor is checking him out carefully.  We are very proud of of friends and neighbors here in Lakewood Village. I do believe there is another story in this.......
Bob O is in the hospital and needs special care.
If you know others that perhaps we would be interested in hearing about, just let us know.....
Thurs:   Heard from Leween that they  made it back up north and had family waiting for them at the airport.   She also let me know that Rick and Sharron will be coming by their place this week-end for a visit. Great to hear good news.  Thanks Lew.....
The rains are here for the week-end and our lawns really need this big drink of water.

Sorry Jim.......
And how has your week been????

1 comment:

June G. said...

We are keeping Bob O. and Ray M. both in our thoughts and prayers.
From June and Lew G.