Monday, March 19, 2012

Scores for the week.

Bunco winners
Bunco scores are reported and some great ones.
Pat played and played until she ended up with 6 buncos and the most games won, 23. 
2nd place came Bill with his 20 games and  3rd place ended in a tie:  Hazel and Mike worked hard for their scores.   Bo liked his chair so much that he hardly left it most of the evening.  Had a good time hollering.....
Treats were brought in by Jean ( fudge) Delanah ( sugar cookies) and Patti with the salty chips.  Great night for all.....
Thanks to everyone who set up and cleaned up and of course to Glenn for his marking the scores....
Marilyn and Bob C.
Bridge scores are now in for March 21.
Bob led the group with his 2420.
Marilyn right behind him with her 2140
Doug D came in third with his 2060
Norma with her 1770 brought up the total for the day....
    Thanks Lew for bringing the scores over....

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