Friday, December 30, 2011

Last Post for 2011

Well the new year is almost here and we will finish up this year tomorrow.  Hope everyone has their own special plans to enter into 2012.
A small recap on this week:
The Lakewood Village Bridge Club held their final game Wednesday with their tables full and the winners are: Norma  with 2440,Erik with 2430,Lew with her 2220,Sharron with her 2010 and Buck rounds out the day with 1850.  Thanks  to Lew for the years scores and hope she has enjoyed her granddaughters with her this holiday.
The WI bowling group is still going strong and had many great games bowled.  Al H. came to visit and of course bowled with us.  He is now in his new home at the Isles and if you wish to contact him as he enjoys visits, give his daughter a jingle.  A couple of young bowlers joined us and they seem to have a wonderful time.  As usual we all awaited Don T. to come with Carole's surprise and it was heavenly.  Once again Thanks Carole for all your sweets this year.
This leaves us our upcoming Lakewood Village Ladies Tea party on the 14th of January and you only have one more week to purchase your tickets.  If you are planning on attending, please let one of the girls know so they can plan on the lunch items.  There are many prizes to be given to some lucky ladies.  There is also a very special guest speaker that will inform us on many important issues so try to come and enjoy the afternoon on Saturday January 14 at 2:00pm.
I believe that leaves us for another year and hope you have had a pleasant 2011.  Good luck in the year      2012....

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