Sunday, November 20, 2011

Turkey Dinner!!!

Thanksgiving day will be here Thursday but your Village held their special dinner Saturday night to a full clubhouse.
This was a sit-down meal that one person from each table served their own group.
The food was very good and we all had our choice of several different pies with the traditional whipped creme.
I'm sure we should mention the cooks and their helpers but I don't know all of them except Don,Carole and Dawn.  I'm sure that they must of had some help as this was a major venture to have fixed all this food in time for everyone to have a hot dinner together.
We thank the entire crew for their efforts in helping  us have a few minutes with our friends and neighbors.
Enjoy next week as the weather has been almost perfect here in our Village.  If you are traveling,,,,be safe and healthy.....
Happy Thanksgiving everyone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nancy C worked hard on this dinner as well.