Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Picnic

This was a beautifully warm sunny morning in our Village and the great "fishers" were out at our lake. We were very surprised at the group that got up early to go out and drown a few worms. Everyone had a wonderful time and there were many fish caught and released. They were all treated with chocolate cookies while baiting those hooks. Prizes were awarded to these special people later in the clubhouse.

A few Carts were decorated with our countries colors and drove around the Village in support of our deceased service people. Then back to the lot for the raising of our countries flag. We had a nice group of veterans here to help remind us of what we were here for.

A moment of thoughts were given and Tamra led us to the beautifully decorated Buffet table. We had a wonderful assortment of salads along with Bo and Glen's grill cooking.

Everyone had a full plate and then it was time to honor our Veterans right here in our own Village. A special cake was brought in by Pat and the candles were bright and everyone got a piece of their red, white and blue cake.

Our thanks to the Social Club for the time that they put into the day's activities. We appreciate all that they do..

Adding up your blessing will multiply your joy

It is only a month away before our 4th of July picnic will be here so everyone keep this day open as there will be many surprises for everyone.

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