Monday, March 28, 2011

Thank You

I have received the following information and thank you from our neighbors:


We have been winter residents of Lakewood Village for 16 years now, and we have always recognized how friendly and caring the people here are. But the death of our son Sean on Feb. 8th, really demonstrated your love and care for neighbors. We thank you so much for your prayers, your good wishes, your hugs, your cards, and for being who you are.


The tree planted in memory of Sean in the "A" section park, with the bench next to it is a powerful demonstration of your love for us, and we cannot thank you enough.

***God bless each of you.****

Love, Rick and Sharron D


Friends are" quiet angels" who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

Time heals almost everything. Give time time. You are thought of....

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