Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Veterans Day

This Thursday ( November 11, 2010) at 11:00 a.m. is our annual Veteran's Day Flag Raising.
Your Lakewood Village Social Club is sponsoring a picnic lunch for all the residents in our Village attending this service.
John is unveiling the "Wall of Honor" of our active service people so that we may honor them.
We hope you are able to come over to the clubhouse in time for the flag raising and pay tribute to all our veterans.
A special note is added!!!!
There will be a social club meeting for everyone to attend in our beautifully decorated club house this Thursday evening. They will be having coffee and cookies at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:00. John assures us that this is a very important meeting as they will be planning the events for the coming year. You will get the opportunity to voice your views as to what you would like to have and if you can help out in any way. Please try to attend....
The Village Thanksgiving dinner is all set to go on the 20th(Next Saturday) evening at 6:00 p.m. and you can get your tickets from any board member. These are free but necessary to plan for the turkeys that the Social Club will serve. You are also asked to bring your favorite dish to share on the buffet table.
Pat A. asked that the time is corrected on the Line Dancing that convenes on Monday morning. It is scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m.. Everyone enjoys this hour.
If you notice there are 2 baskets in our clubhouse....One is for non perishable food to be distributed to some of those in our Village at Christmas.
The other is for unwrapped toys for the children's Christmas also in our Village.
Keep watch for any new developments that come up.
Give and forget, receive and remember

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