Monday, October 4, 2010


Lakewood (Red Hats)Village

Queen Mother, Miss Peggi and her
little group, dressed all up this very pretty Monday afternoon and headed out for an afternoon of excitement. They drifted in at our very beautiful Museum of Art over on the Island and thoroughly enjoyed the presentations that they always have available for those who wish to view.
Their gift shoppe is simply adorable and of course that was on their agenda where one of the ladybugs just happened to find the most valuable treasure for herself. They really know how to shop.
Can't go without having a pleasant lunch somewhere and today it was at "TooJay's". which is always an inviting atmosphere to investigate. Those who got to attend, did enjoy their time spent with each other. For those who were unable to attend today will get another chance as they will be planning another day out very soon.
If you would like to attend any of these ventures with your local Red Hat Ladies(Ladybugs)
Miss Peggi would love to hear from you.......
Nothing makes a woman so pretty as telling her she is

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