Monday, September 6, 2010

Week-end report

Making use of the courts
Brand new Horseshoe court
John and Stormy
This is how some of your neighbors spent their week-end here in our Village.
The Labor Day Picnic was enjoyed by those who came with their wonderful pot-luck dishes and their stories that everyone enjoyed. That great cook,  Larry, did a fantastic job of grilling those chickens and ribs. Even grilled a fantastic hot dog for those who really wanted a good dog. Everyone had plenty of food and our cool clubhouse was buzzing.
Young and old went outside to play the games that were set up for everyone to try. The Horseshoe court is now open and there will be more news on it coming up soon. John and his crew set up the day and it was a great time to spend with your friends and neighbors.
The rains came without ruining the picnic here but those who were camping were in for a soaking. The area really does need the rain to keep everything green. At least for now the storms are keeping away from our coastline. Perhaps we will have another storm free year in our Village.
For those who are not able to attend our functions, we are missing you. If you need assistance in getting to the clubhouse, please let someone know so arrangements can be made. We have missed many this summer. Our crew here has been quite busy trying to entertain us and we want to thank them for a community who comes together.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

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