Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Week

Here we are a new week coming up. Enjoy your Monday off . Tuesday come to our Coffee hour at 9:00 a.m. in our cool clubhouse. The doors will open again at 5:00 p.m. for your favorite game of Bingo. These are two of our activities that are still being enjoyed by those who are still here in our Villlage. Saturday Night is our Monthly Pot-luck so keep this in mind as the last one brought on a few surprises and I suspect this one will also. The theme is the 50's and 60's. Check us out on Saturday. night. I will also remind you later in the week...
I will leave you with a thought:
Happiness keeps you sweet,Add Image
Trials keep you strong
Sorrows keep you human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps you glowing,
But only friends keep you going.
This pot-luck is for SATURDAY night.
Bring your covered dish and your sense of humor.....

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