Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday WII Games

Bowling at Lakewood Village Clubhouse..
And you too can come and join in the fun. This is only for a few short weeks so check it out.

Last night we went over to our Village Clubhouse to check out what all the commotion was about.  And what we came across was a group of laughing and jumping around grown people.  This was all about the WII games that have caught on with our Village people.  Several teams were assembled to learn to play this exciting commuter game.  Bowling was their passion and everyone who came enjoyed the excitement of the team competition.  We were sorry that some who came the first week were unable to attend this week but rest assured they will welcome you back next week as there is always room for more.

Treats were in evidence around the room as they were bowling but sure didn't interfere with their games.  It was a fun evening for everyone who showed up and we thank Gail & Connie for setting this up with their wonderful crew.

Winners will be announced when I receive them if they want me to put them here.
See you all next week at 7:00 on Wednesday in our Clubhouse.

Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important


Carey & Dave said...

thanks guys,we have lots of fun,and a little exersize too!!!

David and Tamra Lewis said...

Thanks - Yes it was a very great time. We have a good community of lovely people

Connie said...

It is GREAT to see some long lost faces join our activities again. We've missed YOU!!!! And thanks to Gail for the idea of Wii Bowling. Also, thanks to Everyone for understanding that it takes alittle time to figure out the best way of doing something new like this. See everyone Wed. at 7pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thanks to Phyllis for the special treats this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for some social fun sorry can't be there to join in the fun.
Carol from Canada

Connie said...

HEY David and Tamra....we sure missed you guys...hurry back!!!