Sunday, October 11, 2009


I wish to express a little gratitude to some of our
unrecognized angels who live in our Village.
These people are far from being old but have as
many aches and pains as a lot of us . They are out
helping people who aren't able to clean up the yards, and
unable to get out side in this very warm weather.
This is just a partial list as I wandered around our
Village this week-end.
A huge thank you to:
Peggy D for all her volunteering with our games
Jessie C. for so much of the yard work around her section.
Tom and Dot B for their helping out their neighbors in their
Each of these people love their Village and have been a big
help to their friends and neighbors.
I know there are more but this is what I saw this week-end.
Perhaps you have seen some others and would like to honor
them. Please let them know how much you appreciate all
the work that is being done to make our Village a place
of beauty.
Old age is always 10 years older than
you are.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Yes, I too appreciate all the hard work in this horriable Heat to boot!!!! This shows what wonderful neighbors we have. Thanks for all your help!