Sunday, April 12, 2009

Farewell Nettie

On this Easter Sunday, the family of Nettie Nelson
wishes to express to their many friends here in
Lakewood Village and all of those who sent cards and
visited her during her illness , their deepest appreciation.
The service was held yesterday that would have
made her very proud and sad to have missed
seeing you all once more.
Her thanks would have been gracious to each
and everyone of you.
Your contributions of love were greatly appreciated and
the food fabulous.
Grandmama is now with her heavenly family as
she leaves her earthly one.
This is what she prepared herself for and her
wish was granted.
Grandmama is probably telling everyone of the
wonderful life she had and the joy of all she had with
the people she had the
pleasure to meet.
The family is already missing her and her wonderful
sense of humor but we know her greatest wish has
been granted.
Good-by Grandmama
It has been our pleasure to have been part of
your family....

The family is one of natures masterpieces


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