Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pot Luck update

"Your Chairperson"
Peggi D. has given me the information on the
Pot Luck that is scheduled for
November 16.
Dinner will start at 12:30.
Those attending are to please bring a casserole
or dessert to feed 4 to 5 people.
Ice tea and or coffee will be provided as well as
plates and silverware courtesy of your
Social Club.
Please call Peggi, Delores H, or Nancy C.
Their numbers are in your directory. They would
like to have an idea how many will be attending, and what
you will be bringing.
There will be a sign up sheet in the Clubhouse shortly
so check it out and sign in.
Check out the price....$0000
Let's all join in and support the efforts
of these volunteers
and your hard working
Social Club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pot Luck...YEHHHHHHHH!!! We are so lucky to have a Social Committee to plan such fun activities. We can't wait for another afternoon of good food and the best of company. See everyone there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!