Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Yep! that's Nettie!

Come this Sunday, we will be celebrating
a special day to honor all our Mothers. Doors
open at 11:00 am. at the Village Clubhouse.
Be sure to put in you RSVP with
John D so that he can plan for everyone~

Can you believe it? 5 Generations!!

and 3 generations live here in the Village

I have the greatest honor! To be with my
Mother on this wonderful day.
You all know her in our Village as
Nettie and Grandmama,
she is seen at all of our functions. No one is
more active and bubbly than this
extraordinary woman of many talents.

She is surrounded by not only her many
friends here at home, but by her
blessed and loving family. We are very
grateful to our Oueen of mothers living
right here with us.

You undoubtedly have seen her peddling by
your place several times a day.

We all have this day to stop and think how
much we love our Mother's and what better
way to show it than to adopt one (any one)
who may need your love.

See you Sunday at the Clubhouse~

Who knows if maybe dreams really do come true.

Happy Mother's Day...

1 comment:

Diane said...

We are blessed enough to be able to spend Mother's Day with Keith's wonderful Mom. Couldnm't ask for any more than that!